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Assalamu Alaykum
MCA Provide care and support to our Muslim brothers and sisters who are and have been in custody. All praise to Allah, a large number of Muslim chaplains who work in prisons are part of the MCA
MCA aims are:
- To support Muslim Chaplains
- To work towards the resettlement of prisoners and prevention of re-offending behaviours
- To engage with the Muslim and wider Communities
With our professional links in the Ministry of Justice as Muslim Chaplains and resources within the Muslim community as Imams of Mosques, preachers, lecturers, etc. We are committed to build in-roads in between HMPPS agencies and the wider communities. Our vision is to raise awareness in all communities of how to effectively contribute towards the rehabilitation and resettlement vision of HMPPS and Moj
Increased provision for Muslim Women in Custody
Female prisons have a large number of women suffering emotional issues. Our members believe that through our ‘Partnership Scheme’ this is an area where we, the community need to stand hand in hand in their support. It is high time we made a difference by helping the most vulnerable . National Partnerships Scheme Linkup with National organisations and charities to support the Aims of MCA
National Partnerships Scheme
Linkup with National organisations and charities to support the Aims of MCA
Resettlement work in the Community
Crime in the Muslim community is at a far higher proportion than it should be and Muslims are disproportionately represented in Prisons. This is something that most of the wider community is unaware of hence, there is very little being done to tackle this.’ MCA are planning to create an awareness within communities and encourage local and national organisations to work towards reducing this figure
Hadith Of The Week
A Wise Person
The wise person is the one who gives each moment its due of what is required of him, so that if death strikes, he is ready for it; and if life continues, he continues to accumulate good deeds.